By the grace of God, our fervent desire to offer a church in honor of the Mother of God has been fulfilled. The monastery catholicon, dedicated to the Dormition of the Mother of God, is the fruit of many offerings and sacrifices, all known to God.
The basilica-styled catholicon rises up in great beauty in the midst of the desert, visible for many miles. The high spacious domes and augmenting arches uplift the heart to worship our wondrous God in Trinity. The acoustics are a source of wonder; and the artistically carved iconostasis and furnishings, along with the beautiful sacred icons are a constant reminder of the Kingdom of Heaven.
The catholicon has two side chapels, the first dedicated to St. Paisius (Velichkovsky), the patron of the monastery, and the second to the Holy Hierarchs John Maximovich and Nikolai of Zica who labored together in this life as well as in the next.
In addition to the spiritual blessings bestowed through the Mother of God, this monastery church finally enables us to encompass the numerous faithful who come as guests to the monastery.
After God, we humbly rely upon your prayerful and financial support to complete this holy offering. A few valuable and necessary items remain which have not yet been sponsored. If interested, please follow this link for a detailed listing of Sponsorship Items.

Architectural sketch of the Entry and Altar Elevations
Architectural sketch of the Floor Plan
Architectural sketch of the Side Elevation

January 2006 – October 2011